sábado, setembro 23, 2006

Dormitórios II

Os vigaristas do Metro deram-se mal com a palhaçada, que isto de tentar chular alemães e outros povos mais civilizados nunca foi muito boa política.
Aconselho a consulta do post anterior dedicado a esta temática, para melhor compreender as motivações e o alcance duma missiva que tem circulado do outro lado da rua, e que passo a transcrever:


Dear responsible person of “Metro”,

with this letter we - a number of inhabitants of the student hostel “Metro” -express our anger about the living conditions in the dorm. And with this letter of complain we although want to inform the officials of Latvijas Universitate and the Erasmus-Coordinators in the different countries about our present situation.

Most of us moved in on September 1st 2006 even though the rooms were not ready at that time, because you had promised us written down in the contract that the rooms as well as the kitchens will be finished and completely furnished till September 10th. Today it´s September 20th and you still haven`t fulfilled the conditions of the contract.

We have tried to be very patient and to take everything with a sense of humour because we know that we are guests in your country and that problems in different cultures are solved in different ways. Because of the following reasons we are no longer willing to tolerate the situation:

1.First of all, when we moved in most of the rooms were only consisting of a bed and half a wardrobe and they were not clean. Only because of our daily and exhausting complaining we managed to get one furniture after another until September 18th.

2.Until today the kitchen only consists of a fridge and two microwaves, therefore we are not able to cook any meals. The promised laundry-room doesn`t even exist. This situation causes a lot of extra costs and lost of time because we have to cross half of the city to wash our clothes.

3.Although you had promised us, that the workers won´t enter our rooms without someone of the officials watching them, they went many times in our rooms on their own. Because we have all our valuables in our rooms, we don´t want to accept that any longer.

4.Our internet connection is most of the time so slow, that it´s nearly impossible to send or receive emails. And the promised computer hall still doesn´t exist, as well as fitness and recreation centre with sauna, cafeteria and shop.

5.As it was agreed with you some of us lived till September 10th for free and then transferred the money for the rest of the month. That means some of us have fulfilled their part of the contract, even though the rooms as well as the kitchens weren´t finished at that time.

Finally we also would like to mention that most of the time we had problems in finding one of the officials of “Metro” to discuss our problems. And even when we talked to someone we didn´t feel that our problems were taken seriously. Now we are waiting for an official statement on our complains.

Para melhor compreensão do desconforto em que esta malta vive: ontem à noite fui visitar a maralha, precisei de largar uma poia e tive de fazê-lo às escuras, pontualmente auxiliado por um isqueiro (o que é naturalmente perigoso).

Entretanto a LU decidiu auxiliar os estudantes nas suas pretensões, também estão bastante chocados com a situação... A intensidade das queixas tem sido tal que a linha telefónica dum dos quartos, que liga à recepção, deixou misteriosamente de funcionar. Nesse quarto vive uma das jovens mais indignadas do prédio.

Permito-me achar piada.

Mais um detalhe: vou mudar-me brevemente para uma casa. Depois conto.

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