quarta-feira, julho 04, 2007

Eurotrip, day 19

The hardest thing a man can do is to cross half of Spain in a beaten-up old car. That place is a desert. We took 12 hours to get to Madrid, and we were baking for the whole time. Rezna keeps blinking. Her feelings must be hurt.

As we got to Madrid, Rafa managed the hostel and parking, then got us in calimocho mood, with Carlos' help, while talking about the huge party on the streets of the city. There was a huge party alright... EuroPride... They were everywhere...

Anyway, I have to say that the modus operandi of the young Spaniards is quite similar to the Portuguese way: drink outside, piss outside, do whatever you want outside and simply ignore the police. I came back past 6. Home is closer, I can feel it.

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